10% of exam score
Opportunity Cost is the cost of next best alternative, foregone (sacrifised) while making a choice.
Example : If a person has option to have an apple or an orange, & choses to have apple. The opportunity cost of having an apple is the sacrifised orange.
Given : A night before mid time exam, spent while watching movies - later lead to fall in exam grade from 70 % to 60%
The opportunity cost of movies watched, is the sacrifised grade of exam, which would have gotten, if the time would have spent in studying. The corresponding grade lost = 70% grade achievable - 60% grade achieved. Hence, the opportunity cost = 10% of exam score.
Three things:
-Under processing before canning
-Spoilage before canning
-entrance of water through can seams during cooling
The preservation process is aimed at reducing the rate of spoilage of food products over time.
When adequately processed a time can be given during which the food product is still not spoilt. For example 1 year from date of canning. After this period there is a high possibility of food spoilage.
If a can of peas was bought from a grocery and it is spoilt it is either the peas were not well processed, there was spoilage before commercial canning, or water entered when cooling during canning
If protective import-restricting tariffs are imposed by a country, in the majority of cases that nation's consumers end up
paying a higher price for the good than they otherwise would.
Import-restricting tariffs increase the cost of goods and services imported from other countries. Governments have various reasons for making such impositions. Some claim that the tariffs are imposed to protect local industries or to comply with local content requirements. However, these restrictions hamper free trade. They also distort the competitiveness of nations.