Nicotine on direct application in humans causes irritation and burning sensation in the mouth and throat, increased salivation, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. Predominant immediate effects consist of increase in pulse rate and blood pressure. Nicotine also causes an increase in plasma free fatty acids, hyperglycemia, and an increase in the level of catecholamines in the blood. There is reduced coronary blood flow but an increased skeletal muscle blood flow. The increased rate of respiration causes hypothermia, a hypercoagulable state, decreases skin temperature, and increases the blood viscosity.
For amphetamine the immediate effects are quicker reaction times, feelings of energy/wakefulness, excitement, increased attentiveness and concentration, feelings of euphoria. Side effects of amphetamines can include heart palpitations, dry mouth, headache, hostility, nausea, cognitive impairment, severe anxiety, lack of appetite, teeth grinding, dizziness, increased heart rate, heart palpitations, rapid breathing rate, hypertension (high blood pressure), increased body temperature, erectile dysfunction, irregular heartbeat.
Cocaine causes a short-lived, intense high that is immediately followed by the opposite intense depression, edginess and a craving for more of the drug the side effects are Loss of appetite increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, contracted blood vessels increased rate of breathing, dilated pupils, disturbed sleep patterns, nausea, hyperstimulation, bizarre, erratic, sometimes violent behavior hallucinations, hyperexcitability, irritability, tactile hallucination that creates the illusion of bugs burrowing under the skin, intense euphoria, anxiety and paranoia, depression, intense drug craving, panic and psychosis, convulsions, seizures and sudden death from high doses (even one time)
Epimysium surrounds the total bundle of many fascicles - as compared with perimysium, <span>(the fibrous </span>sheath<span> that surrounds and protects individual fascicles, filling the spaces between the fascicles within the bundle of fascicles that forms the muscle itself)</span>
Basically enzyme activities are affected by drop in temperature. in additions the corpse was cool to touch.Therefore this explains while there was no bloating or bacteria activity since the decomposing bacteria enzymes were inactive because of the cold temperature.
Consequently, if the Livor mortis (lividity) is +8hrs 0-4days, evidently the corpse must have been refrigerated after livor mortis sets in, with the decomposition slowed down by the cold environment.
Notes: Algor mortis is 26.8hrs, and there was no algor mortis.
There are two types of neurons in our legs: motor neuron and sensory neuron. These send and receive messages to and from each other and the brain.
After Ed's accident, he can't move his injured leg since the motor neuron is dysfunctional. The sensory neuron is functional so he can feel his limbs but can't move them since when the sensory neuron sends a message to the motor neuron, it isn't able to deliver the message to the brain to make the leg move. This is why he can still feel his limbs but is not able to move them.
Chapter 3:
1. Her aunt created a doll out of towels and sowed eyes on the doll.
2. Dr.Alexander Graham Bell was a Scottish born scientist, inventor, engineer, and innovator who was credited with patenting the first practical telephone.
Chapter 4:
1. Because she is blind and deaf.
3. She lacks remorse/sympathy because she is blind and deaf and does not sense the environment.
4. When Miss.Sullivan arrived, Helen was taught to communicate through finger play. She was often frustrated and angry when she could not communicate.