The answer is A. V-shaped trench and B. A bioluminescent fish (apex)
The most primitive tool I used today was the hammer. The hammer is age long in the history of household tools. It is used to hit in nails into walls or woods.
The most advanced tool I have used today is the mobile phone. This is a tool of the 21st century which makes communication easier and faster.
<span>Persentase oksigen di udara di dua mil (3,2 km.) Pada dasarnya sama dengan di permukaan laut (21%). Namun, tekanan udara adalah 30% lebih rendah pada ketinggian yang lebih tinggi karena fakta bahwa atmosfer kurang padat - yaitu, molekul udara yang jauh apart.When kita menghirup udara di permukaan laut, tekanan atmosfer sekitar 14,7 pounds per square inch (1,04 kg. per cm.2)
(i speak indoinision to)
Rinderpest disease is caused by a virus that affects hoofed animals, including cattle and wildebeest. In the 1950s, a cattle vaccination program was implemented to eradicate the disease in the Serengeti, and this led to dramatic changes in the populations of wildebeest and other species. The figure shows the number of wildebeest in the Serengeti ecosystem (shaded circles, left y-axis) and the prevalence (i.e., percentage) of individuals infected by rinderpest disease (unshaded squares and triangles, right y-axis) from 1958 to 2003.