ARP is a simple query–response packet protocol used to match workstations hardware addresses to IP addresses. In other words, ARP is the protocol used to identify nodes in a LAN. ARP is described in RFC 826
to put money in your savings account for college and Car a house and a.bunch of important stuff in life
from random import randint
num = randint(1,10)
count =0
while count<3:
userNum = int(input("Guess a Number "))
if num ==userNum:
print("You won")
print("Wrong try again")
count = count+1
Import randint from random
generate a random number between (1,10) and assign to num
create a loop control variable count set to 0
In a While statement with the condition count<3 prompt user to make a guess
if guess is correct print you won and break
else print wrong try again and increase count by 1
On, I found that there are a few cryptosystems and protocols in place. The most interesting thing I found was that there were 12,292 blank lines of code before anything was actually written. Amazon ensures a secure transaction by encrypting the users information on the users end, and then decrypts their information on their end.