Drought in the Sahel in the 1970s and 1980s made it look like the desert was expanding, because the reduction of rainfall at the desert margin (the Sahel) caused a reduction in vegetation. Warm, moist air rises near the equator, then cools and condenses its moisture, which falls as rain or snow
Well you have to do it got no other choice
In one end go observations collected by satellites, hurricane hunter ... Marks, who leads NOAA's Hurricane Forecast Improvement Program. ... Because of these limitations, the HWRF model only started incorporating data from ...
I believe the answer is: He believed that decisions should be made with practicality and force.
Bismarck believed that a nation shall not be afraid to use forces in order to establih control and superiority toward other nations.
Due to the similarities in principle, Nazi Germany honored his name by using it as the name of their battleships.
Italy's economy historically struggled due to poor unification between regions, with sicily and venetia, for example, having incredibly different economies that are minimally connected. furthermore, children would usually work the same jobs as their parents, leading to low social mobility and occupations of new jobs. in the future, italy's economy can improve with better unification and public education. cooperation between different industries across regions would be highly beneficial.