Well, after the ending of American Civil War it mean that a lot of cotton exports from America were available once more. There was also a competition in the global market, to supply cotton and that's why it helped keep down the price after 1865
C. Would be the answer I World War II had a significant impact on the economy and work force of the United States. The United States was still recovering from the impact of the Great Depression
purpose or main idea Women need to be respected as equals in society“demand civil liberties for women and to right the wrongs of society”equality/feminism
author Elizabeth Stanton (women's rights, abolitionist)
date 1868
evidence of bias signed by 68 women
event or movement Women’s Suffrage, Seneca Falls Convention
other beginning of women’s rights, first official gathering to discuss women’s rightsinalienable rights“tyranny over her” men abuse and supress women
purpose or main idea Declare war on Japan, Rally american people to support the war
author 1943
date FDR (New Deal, Democrat, progressive)
evidence of bias go to war “I ask that the congress declare”
event or movement WWII, bombing of pearl harbour
“date that will live in infamy”emotional words “onslaught”call to action
The Great Depression was a long and extensive economic crisis that also affected Germany. The Weimar government failed to respond effectively to the crisis. Depression affected all classes in Germany and the unemployment was very high. An impact of the Great Depression on Germany was:
A. People were more willing to turn to radical forms of government
He made four basic statements: 1) The United States would not get involved in European affairs. 2) The United States would not interfere with existing European colonies in the Western Hemisphere. 3) No other nation could form a new colony in the Western Hemisphere.