I think you wanted to know whether the statement in question is true or false. Based on this assumption, i am answering this question and hope that it helps you. It is absolutely true that the slash and burn system of deforestation reduces the number of oxygen producing and puts more carbon in the air.
Answer:The anesthetic may cause a severe headache, which is treatable."
Spinal anesthesia is a type of anesthesia which is administered locally using a fine needle between L3 and L4 space or L4 and L5 space in order to avoid injury to the spinal cord. This procedure is usually carried out by a trained health personnel such as:
- a nurse anesthetists and
- anesthesiologists
Spinal anaesthesia can be used in different surgical procedures such as Caesarea sections and to manage pain during vaginal delivery in MULTIGRAVID CLIENTS, which are those clients who has been pregnant more than once.
Caesarean section is usually done while the patient is awake with the use of spinal anaesthesia. Therefore it's important to explain any possible side effects from the drug to the patient which includes a severe type of headache called post-spinal headache and it's treatable.
Life and death are complex things. Life is the existence of something and death is the end. They go hand in hand. Without one you cannot have the other. To live means to die and to die means you have lived.
Hopes this helps. Add a comment if not and I will try to assist.
An increase in the permeability of the cells of the collecting tubule to water is due to an increase in production of ADH. Hormone ADH also called vasopressin is responsible for regulating the amount of water in the blood and is released from the pituitary gland based on signals from the hypothalamus, which detects the water levels of the blood. When too much water is in the blood, the hormone release is decreased and more water is excreted in the kidneys and thus increasing urine output.
Increases plant growth, more transpiration