Mr. Samuels is most likely a B. task-oriented leader.
A task-oriented leader, as the name states, focuses on achieving tasks and reaching goals. He/she <em>keeps deadlines in mind,</em> <em>divides the work</em> and is always<em> looking at the processes </em>and what is being done to <em>achieve the groups' assignments. </em>
In this case, we can see Mr. Samuels posts notices about the progress being made on various projects and he makes sure his team knows about it and about what needs taken care of to achieve them.
Set the classroom rules at the start of the year.
Have consistent expectations.
Set goals at the beginning of class.
Appropriate behavior should be reinforced.
Remain neutral during conflicts.
Search for the root cause of the misbehavior.
Student dignity matters.
Create individual plans for students.
The desire for a new Constitution was borne out of some of the lapses of the Articles of Confederation which produced a weak central government. In 1787, representatives from 12 states from the existing 13 states in the United States converged to draft the new U.S Constitution. Several deliberations were made to form a better and stronger system of government. However, two alliances were formed at that time as a faction. One was the Federalists and the other was the Anti-Federalists. The Federalists were led by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison. They wanted a sizable amount of representation in government among states based on their population.
During the process of ratifying the Constitution, the Federalists argued that the Bill of Rights need not be part of the Constitution. They believed that with the addition of the Bill of Rights, the rights of citizens would be affected negatively and less protected.
The Anti-Federalists, on the other hand, wanted the same representation in all states. This alliance was led by Patrick Henry. They argued for the Bill of Rights and was against every move to establish a new Constitution, on the ground that, the constitution will give more powers to the National government and this will be detrimental to the citizens' rights.
A compromise was agreed on and after much debate on the issues of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution was submitted to the Congress of Federation in 1787 and by 1788, it had been ratified by most states.
The two categories of sources of credit are formal and informal sources.
The formal source of credit as the name implies is an official means of obtaining loans. Its features include,
1. It is administered by corporate institutions like banks and other lending bodies.
2. It is regulated by a body in the relevant country.
3. There are recognized and standard interest rates that must be paid by the borrower.
4. It is guided by laws which both parties are expected to keep.
The Informal sources of credit are unofficial means of borrowing funds There features include,
1. They can be obtained from friends, relatives, and acquaintances.
2. There are no standard interest rates as these are determined by the lenders.
3. There are no official bodies to regulate the lending process.
4. They are mostly used by poor businessmen and women who need small loans.
Emotions-based social relationship.
An emotions-based relationship, as its name suggests, is that of which an individual or both of them have deep positive emotional conections which makes the emotion the greatest value of said relationship. As Kathy grew up, she started to tend to those relationship that provoked positive emotions in her, rather than value others due to proximity, like a coworker.