Answer: creating an environment for useful feedback
Explanation: Useful feedback is the response or the reaction that is gained from the person or other sources in return of the service provided. Useful feedback is the response that is gained to know about the functionality and the convenience of the person receiving the service.
This also helps to improves the service given by the person.The case mentioned in the question is also about the useful feedback so that communication barrier can be eliminated and the confusion regarding the session can be cleared out by obtaining the feedback.
The conclusion of this is that death penalty should be abolished. nobody has the right to take life apart from the cycle of nature itself or God. Even the individual has no right to take out their life.
The main aim of sentencing a person is to offer correction measures and death is not one of them.
this is however contentious because some hardened criminals have their victims baying for revenge, and death is one of their desires.
No, it definitely was not pure racism.
While individuals who have pure hatred and racist views against other groups of people have always existed, during the centuries that slavery existed, not everyone who owned slaves or supported slavery justified their position on the basis of racist arguments.
Very often, these arguments in favor of racism were made from an economic point of view. They justified slavery because slavery was fundamental for their economic well-being. Some people even justified slavery under supposedly moral, ethical, or religious reasons, arguing that slaves were better off under the control of their owners, or that some religious scripture justified slavery.
The second one would be right I’m pretty sure