3% of the Earth's water is freshwater.<span />
Divergent boundaries are typified in the oceanic lithosphere by the rifts of the oceanic ridge system, including the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the East Pacific Rise, and in the continental lithosphere by rift valleys such as the famous East African Great Rift Valley.
De acuerdo a la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) el término enfermedad refiere a la alteración y/o deterioro del estado fisiológico normal de un individuo o partes de su cuerpo, cuyas causas a menudo son conocidas. A su vez, una enfermedad es conocida cuando possee un cuadro clínico con síntomas preestablecidos y característicos. Las enfermedades se pueden clasificar de acuerdo a muchos tipos diferentes de parámetros (por ejemplo, de acuerdo a su modo de transmisión en infecciosas/no infecciosas, hededitarias/ambientales, etc). Por otra parte, el concepto de salud se refiere a un estado de bienestar físico, mental y social del individuo, el cual no solamente está asociado a la ausencia de enfermedades.
If the mutation is beneficial, the mutated organism survives to reproduce, and the mutation gets passed on to its offspring. In this way, natural selection guides the evolutionary process to incorporate only the good mutations into the species, and expunge the bad mutations.
coatis would increase
sloths would increase
fruit bats would increase
The boa constrictor in this food chain is the top predator, thus it is on the top of the food chain. It preys on several of the animals on this list, such as the coati, sloth, and fruit bats, so it is regulating their numbers. If the boa constrictor is removed from the ecosystem, the ecosystem will lose its predator, so the animals on which the boa constrictor preyed upon will have no threat, thus will experience rapid increase in their numbers. The coatis, sloths, and fruit bats, all will be predator free in this scenario, so they will all experience increase in their population, which in turn will have big effect on all other species in the ecosystem.