Scientific notation is a way of expressing numbers that are too large or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form. It may be referred to as scientific form or standard index form, or standard form in the UK.
<em>b</em><em> </em>for <em>books</em><em> </em>read. b=1x + 1. the amount of months he's been in the club goes for x and +1 because he already read a book before he joined. if you do easy math, he's been there for 8 months because he read 9 books. i probably got the equation backwards but this works both ways imo.
False: The relation is a function because for each X value there is only one Y value.
True: The domain is the x values
The lowest X value is 3 and the highest X value is 8
So 3<= x <= 8 is true
True: The range of a function is the Y values, which are 6,7,8,10
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please provide your textbook because i dont have it