A formula in Excel will ALWAYS start with = then the function name like
It will be average (B2:C2)
as it will select all the data between B2 and C2
The first argument listed after IF
When the two variables are listed next to each other, Excel will find and calculate the correlation between them.
The correct answer is option (A) Applications, Banking Services, Customer Service
Methods of filing
There are 5 methods of filing:
• Filing by Subject/Category
• Filing in Alphabetical order
• Filing by Numbers/Numerical order
• Filing by Places/Geographical order
• Filing by Dates/Chronological order
In this case, we can fill by Alphabetical order which is given below
Applications, Banking Services, Customer Service
You can enter a URL that (B) Uses localhost as the domain name
Localhost refers to your computer or the computer that is currently in use.
To run a PHP application that is deployed on your computer, the localhost (which has an IP address of is used.
The IP address is called a "loopback" address because all data sent or received revolve around the local computer.