A civil war erupted in southern republics years of economic stagnation left it far behind Western and Asian countries
This is a personal question. Therefore, only you would be able to accurately analyze how it is that you evaluate options when making a decision. However, there are some common strategies that people follow when such a problem arises.
One example of such a strategy would be making a pros and cons list. This allows the person to better understand the problems and benefits of each approach. Another strategy would be working your way backwards. This involves thinking of the desired outcome first, and then retracing the steps that might lead you in that direction. A third example involves talking to people who have faced similar challenges and asking them for advice.
A) Jose B) Roberto
Absolute advantage is the advantage when work is given two individuals or producer and provide the same resources, the person who works faster and better can have the absolute advantage.
For example, if my friend is washing 100 dishes in one hour and on the other hand I am washing some dishes in two hours or we can say I am washing 50 dishes in one hour then my friend has more absolute advantage in dish washing skills than me.
The citizens of Rome put the good of the republic ahead of their own desires and the Founding Fathers hoped American people would do the same. Severing in public office without financial gain was important in the success of the country.
I believe option A since the rest have majority relation with the environment and climate.