Las bacterias pueden utilizar la mayoría de los compuestos orgánicos y algunos inorgánicos como alimento, y algunos pueden sobrevivir a condiciones extremas.
All matter whether solid, liquid, gas has a chemical formula or elemental symbol.
Filtration may work, there are many types of filters capable of filtering specific types if compounds.
A debate is where you talk with your peers about ideas and you sometimes argue about what is right or what should be done. but its nothing to be worried about. you can let the others argue, but you can listen and then talk. thats the best thing to do, to listen, then speak.
good luck!
Hospice care is for people who want to die at home with their family, assised living is for people who need some assitance with living, Nursing home care is for long term care usually when patients can't live at home , kailiai is a region
Because the moon is significantly smaller than earth,
Its gravitational pull is also smaller and weaker.
So he weighed much less on the moon than he did on earth because of the change in gravity