The answer to this question is "15 line".
A function is a block of ordered, portable code used to perform a single, connected operation. The syntax of function declaration can be given as:
Syntax :
returntype functionName(parameter1, parameter2); //function prototype
or declaration
returntype functionName(parameter1, parameter2) //function definition or header of the function
//function body.
//function implementation
//return value;
In the given question the header of the showDub function is on line 15.
That's why the answer to this question is "15 line".
By Using the Greedy- Activity- Selection algorithm
The Greedy- Activity- Selection algorithm in this case involves
First finding a maximum size set S1, of compatible activities from S for the first lecture hall.
Then using it again to find a maximum size set S2 of compatible activities from S - S1 for the second hall.
This is repeated till all the activities are assigned.
It requires θ(n2) time in its worse .
Check for yourself if you think i'm wrong
Liam a would need to contact the software developer. So the answer is B