D. Articulate and appealing vision
Most of the time people that are in the throws of circumstances that are extremely uncomfortable are willing to listen to a promise. While a charismatic leader is one that needs to be eloquent and set an example to the followers and have a direct plan of action they must first come with a dream.
As an example Barrack Obama was the first "African American" president of the United States of America. He did not specifically fit the description of many as "African American" due to his parentage. His mother was Causation and his father was African and had never had any descendants that were slaves.
This, however, did not stop him from appealing to the minorities with the slogan "Yes, we can". This was eerily parallel to the spiritual hymn "We shall overcome someday". The dream of the U.S.A.'s first black president was a tangible reality.
This is not to say that he was not competent for the job but first appealing to a dream is the beginning of the win for the favor of the people.
The number of canidates cooperatios taking over the election process it is still is important to vote
Judaism, monotheistic religion developed among the ancient Hebrews. Judaism is characterized by a belief in one transcendent God who revealed himself to Abraham, Moses, and the Hebrew prophets and by a religious life in accordance with Scriptures and rabbinic tradition
According to psychoanalysis, the dreams are formed by two parts:
- Manifest content: it refers to the actual content of the dream in a literal way.
- Latent content: It refers to the meaning behind the dream, it is what the dream is trying to tell to the dreamer since it is the subconscious talking to the dreamer.
In this example, Carlton is describing one of his dreams to his therapist. The events he remembers refer to the actual content of the dream in a literal way (he's not talking about the meaning behind it), therefore, this is the manifest content of his dream.
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