A frosty rime was on his head, and on his eyebrows, and his wiry chin. He carried his own low temperature always about with him...(Metaphor)
I am as giddy as a drunken man
I am as merry as a school boy
I am as happy as an angel (Similies)
I believe, honeysuckle and bees represent the little glimmer of hopes that the narrator felt to escape the toxicity in his house.
Whenever the father start yelling again, the beautiful view of honeysuckle and the sounds made by the bees will help the narrator to seclude all noises from the screaming father.
A dialectical journal is another name for a double-entry journal or a reader-response journal. It’s a journal that records a dialogue, or conversation, between the ideas in the text and the ideas of the reader.
In the chapter “On The Rainy River” in the things we Cary how does Tim O’Brien use various settings to creat a complex meaning gfdgtrfgfgrefeg