AUD 39.93 is expected to be received for your baht.
To calcuate the cross currency exchange rate between Thai Baht and AUD, inverse the USD per Thai Baht quote, this will give you (1/0.023 = 43.478). Now, multiply this by USD per AUD ( TBHT by USD multiplied by USD by AUD, thus USD will cancel out and leave you with TBHT by AUD). The Final ER will stand at TBHT 25.0434 per AUD. Divide the sum of TBHT 1000 by 25.0434 and you will recieve AUD 39.93
Answer: Option B
Explanation: In simple words, aggregate demand refers to the total amount of goods and services that the consumers are willing to consume at a specific price and in a specified time.
A decrease in dollar value will result in less purchasing power for imports. This will result in less supply which will ultimately increase the price of the imported quantity, thus, resulting in decrease in aggregate demand.
The answer is the 3rd one.
My explanation would be that the other reasons listed are for personal use such as friends birthdays, music, and a new clock, but the third answer is listing things appropriate for a business.
Hope I helped !
A concept in managerial accounting, responsibility centers are a method of measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of managers tasked with decision making for their business unit. Not all units of a business have the capacity to generate profit, but instead some support vital functions that incur costs for a business for example, the transportation department in a hospital. A cost center is a unit that does not generate revenue. A revenue center has responsibility for generating revenues, and in most cases will be the same as a profit center, as all units have some level of costs. An investment center is usually found at higher levels in an organization where a unit manager has the responsibility of generating returns on investment capital. I hope this might help you !
Answer: <u><em>Option (B) is correct.</em></u>
The scenario stated in the given question presents an conscientious issue of interactional justice.
Interactional justice can referred to as the "scale to which an individual is affected by judgement and how much is the judgement been pondered upon with dignity and respect".
This theory concentrates on the interpersonal analysis individual receive when judgments are given. It is a sub-part of organizational justice.