Todavía estoy aprendiendo español, por lo que las palabras podrían estar mal de alguna manera.
El seguimiento de vuelos, las agencias de viajes en línea y el uso de las redes sociales en línea son todas formas de tecnología de viajes que pueden ayudar a las personas a planificar viajes. La tecnología de viajes incluye sistemas de reserva por computadora, así como aplicaciones mucho más amplias que son cada vez más importantes.
Hardware security is vulnerability protection that comes in the form of a physical device rather than software that is installed on the hardware of a computer system. ... Common examples include hardware firewalls and proxy servers.
Thank you
#include <iostream> #<span>include <fstream> </span>using<span> namespace std; int main( int argc, ... </span> "<span>primeNumbers.txt" ); //
Maybe this will help :)</span>
Subnotebook computer
Since the invention of computers, computers have evolved in performance and physical sizes. Today we have the notebook and netbook computers, otherwise considered as the laptop computer and even more portable computers known as subnotebook computers.
The subnotebook computer is a computer that is smaller in physical size and lighter to the notebook computer but is still as powerful as the notebook PC.
Subnotebook computers have screens that are smaller than 14 inches with a smaller keyboard but have comparable performance rates as notebook computers with larger screens and extended keyboards.
They use SSD (Solid State Drives) which is faster than Hard Disk Drives (HDD) present in most notebook PCs.