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Your Care Instructions. Ovarian growths are abnormal growths in or on the ovaries. The growth can be a cyst, which is a fluid-filled sac, or a mass (neoplasm), which is a more solid growth. Most of these growths are not cancerous (benign) and don't cause symptoms.
-They all provide water
In reaction A, the reactants are glucose and fructose , and the products are Sucrose and water. This is a condensation reaction, following the combination of two monosaccharides (glucose and fructose) forming a dissaccharide (sucrose) and water.
In reaction B, the reactants are two amino acids, that results to formation of a dipeptide and water; this is also a condensation reaction joining two amino acids monomers, to form a dipeptide and water.
-In reaction C, a monoglyceride combines with a fatty acid to form a diglyceride and water. This is also an example of a condensation reaction that results to formation of a diglyceride and water.
Therefore, the similarity of all the reactions is that they are all condensation reactions, with water as a common product.
You kinda need to put something there? We don’t know what the choices are so there’s really no way we’d know what choice is an example of federalism
This could be possible if the wife is a carrier of the FMO3 allele. Therefore the two carrier parents must have passed the defective alleles to the child, who now possessed the gene for the FMO3, and said to be dominant for the fish odor.
In genetics a Carrier is an individual who inherited a defective allele (FMO3) , but do not show the manifestations of the allele, or symptoms of the diseases attributed to it. Therefore the wife is a Carrier for the allele if the child could show this symptoms of fish odor.
cancer results not from a single flawed gene, but rather the interplay of multiple genes and any accumulated damage to DNA caused by environmental factors such as exposure to chemicals, or aspects of lifestyle, such as smoking