<h3>I met Rhonda just few months back at Economics classes.</h3>
I met Rhonda just few months back at Economics classes. We became good friends and hung out occasionally. It was during the sports week one of her old classmates told that she had problems with her behavior and she had a bad reputation.
I didn't care much about it at the moment but when I went back home I realized that something seemed really off about her. She used to cut classes short most days and would be gone for days without notice.
Then one day I saw her outside an old age home. I thought maybe she had someone there. I waved at her and went towards her. Though, she felt embarrassed for a moment and I asked her what was she doing there. She just smiled and said "I can't loose anyone anymore".
After a week I learnt that she had lost her grandmother whom she loved so much.
The point of view used in "Was it a dream?" is the one of a man totally in love as to the point that he could not conceive life without his loved.
If he had loved her in a more consciously way he might have been able to deal with the fact of her illness and probably things would have been different.
The author communicates feelings about love relationships by describing in detail the many sensations about his loved woman. It was a love almost crazy, desperate and like if nothing else in the world existed.
This kind of feeling is really very risky since the person centers life in that love and if love breaks or one of the couple dies simply life ends up.
Hello friend i'm giving you this blood for you because you have always been there for me and this is how i shall pay you back and i want the good karma <3