The solution code is written in Python 3
- digits = input("Enter 9 digits: ")
- multiplier = 1
- total = 0
- for x in digits:
- total += int(x) * multiplier
- multiplier += 1
- checksum = total % 11
- if(checksum == 10):
- print(digits + "X")
- else:
- print(digits + str(checksum))
Firstly, use input function to get user input for 9 digits (Line 1)
Next we can use a for-loop to estimate the summation (d1 * 1 + d2 * 2 + d3 * 3 + d4 * 4 + d5 * 5+ d6 * 6 + d7 * 7 + d8 * 8 + d9 * 9) ( Line 6-8)
Then only apply % operator to get the remainder of total and get the checksum (Line 10)
Next create if and else statement to print the digits string joined with X if checksum is 10 else join digits string with checksum value (Line 12 -15)
Have a great day, Here is the answer to your question:
It will take around 18 seconds
So in principle 1GB of data to be uploaded running at peak speed is suggested to take around 18 seconds but in fact, DCD test results show USB 2.0 takes 3 minutes 18 seconds to complete a 1GB switch. Whereas USB 3.0 can accommodate up to 5gbps of data transferred-more than 10 times faster than its predecessor.
Based on the requirements indicated in the question above, the best Local Area Network (LAN) operating system that can be used is
Windows 7 , 8.1 or Windows 10. This is because they all are configured to handle extensive LAN activity and can connect over 200 users.
Generally speaking, Windows 10 packs more improvement over the previous windows.