Here is the expression:
user_grade = 10 #assigns 10 to the value of user_grade
if user_grade >=9 and user_grade <=12: #checks if the user_grade is between 9 and 12 inclusive
print('in high school') # prints in high school if above condition is true
else: #if user_grade is not between 9 and 12 inclusive
print('not in high school') # prints not in high school if user_grade is not between 9 and 12 inclusive
This can also be written as:
user_grade = 10 # assigns 10 to user_grade
if 9<=user_grade<=12: #if statement checks if user_grade is between 9 and 12 inclusive
print('in high school') #displays this message when above if condition is true
else: #when above if condition evaluates to false
print('not in high school')#displays this message
If you want to take the user_grade from user as input then:
user_grade = int(input("Enter user grade: "))
if user_grade >=9 and user_grade <=12:
print('in high school')
print('not in high school')
The expression
if user_grade >=9 and user_grade <=12:
contains an if statement that checks a condition that can either evaluate to true or false. So the if condition above checks if the value of user_grade is between 9 and 12 inclusive.
Here the relational operator >= is used to determine that user_grade is greater than or equals to 9. relational operator <= is used to determine that user_grade is less than or equals to 12.
The logical operator and is used so both user_grade >=9 and user_grade <=12 should hold true for the if condition to evaluate to true. This means the user_grade should be between 9 and 12 (inclusive).
For example is user_grade = 10 then this condition evaluates to true as 10 is between 9 and 12 (inclusive). Hence the message: in high school is displayed on output screen.
But if user_grade= 13 then this condition evaluates to false because 13 is greater than 12. Hence the message: not in high school is displayed on output screen.
If user_grade = 8 then this condition evaluates to false because 8 is less than 9. Notice here that 8 is less than 12 so one part of the condition is true i.e. user_grade <=12 but we are using logical operator and so both the parts/expressions of the if condition should evaluate to true. This is why this condition evaluates to false. Hence the message: not in high school is displayed on output screen.
The screenshot of program and its output is attached.