Unique 32-bit number assigned to every machine on the internet
Internet Protocol is a numerical representation that uniquely identifies a device on a network, like Internet for instance. An IP address is an address used in order to uniquely identify a device on an IP network. The address is made up of 32 binary bits, which can be divisible into a network portion and host portion with the help of a subnet mask.
An IPv4 address contains 4 octets, so it's a total 32 bits long while addresses in IPv6 are 128-bits long.
architectures, tools, databases, analytical tools, applications, and methodologies
There are several features of business intelligence. It is a content-free expression, which means that it means different things to different people, and not same thing as suggested by Option B. While its major objective is to enable or allow easy access to data, it is not limited to data and IT only as suggested by Option C. Instead it provides managers of businesses with the ability of analysis of data. And finally it helps in the transformation of data to information and to action, which is contrary to the suggestions of Option D. Hence the first option is the only correct option.
The Name is called, (navigation menu..)
to direct users 2 info., they look up...
To maintain their Skills
The main job of video editor and film editor is to gather the raw material related to some particular topic that is provided by camera person. With the help of skills the video editor convert that raw video into finished product that will be able to broadcast.
That is the reason, he should maintain his skills to preform the video editing task accurately.