steve is happy today but he wasn't yesterday
She can enable editing. She can change the view.
HTML uses tags to help the computer know what different pieces of content in the web page actually are. Right now we've only learned how to tell the computer that some text is a paragraph, or that part of your website is the body. We've already seen how that affects the way our web pages look and are structured.
(I don't know how it should be organized, but hope this helped)
So, this is an answer of your choice. What it is trying to ask is tell us what your dream home, job, husband, and so on. For example: My dream home is a mansion in Mississippi by the beach. My dream job is a doctor. Those are prime examples of a dream home and job. Now your answer shouldn't be the same as mine. Your's should be something different. Unless, you want a mansion in Mississippi by the beach and you would like to be a doctor. In other words it is asking you to tell us what you want you home, lifestyle, job, friends, and possibly your DREAM pet. Hope this helps.