Back in middle school I left my phone in the classroom during lunch with the voice recording on it and when I got back I found out that the teachers were having an afair and in the voice recording you can hear them making out and it got spreaded around school.
The first alternative is correct (A).
The Bill of Rights represented by the first ten amendments to the US Constitution represents the guarantee of fundamental rights for American citizens. Since the institution of the bill of rights, citizens have had constitutional protection for the right to freedom of expression, religion, private property, legal process in lawsuits, among others. These are achievements of the democratic regime that have been preserved over the years.
they didnt want to interfere until they knew America would most likely win, as they did not want another war with Grear Britain. Then when the tides began to turn in Americas favor both Spain and France gave us supplies, military advice, and fought in the war.
Hyksos in modern Egyptology designates the kings of the Fifteenth Dynasty of Egypt. The seat of power of these kings was the city of Avaris in the Nile delta, from where they ruled over Lower and Middle Egypt up to Cusae