Explanation: Regard for and usage of human rights gives the premise to tranquil and amicable concurrence among people groups with various social and religious foundations. This decent variety of societies and religions improves the all-inclusive importance of human rights at the national and provincial dimensions.
Maybe because the Buddha set examples to his people of how to live in the form of art. Also, maybe because some people worship the Buddha as a statue and making a statue is n the form of art.
Most likely, yes.
Different cultures value different ideas, different upbringings and have different value systems in general. All of these differences lead to different people in terms of their preferences and choices. Because all this exists, we can very safely say that a personal identity would also be different in a different culture.
Central (traits).
The central traits, according to the cardinal traits of personality, developed by Gordon Cattell's approach, are the basic building blocks of most people's personality. The major terms you use to describe yourself, or others, are indeed your/their central traits of personality. In this case, our hypotetical cousin's central traits are being warm, happy, optimistic, funny and high achieving. The most general terms you find to describe someone usually are their central traits.
If this question is based on Billy Milligan story, than yes :) There were real examples, although just a few of them during the whole history, or maybe noone knew about such a syndrome earlier.