Both European Societies and Japanese Samurais had and hereditary system of classes. The warriors were the most important class in both of them, in Japan called samurai and in Europe called knights that served the lords of the local, and had some codes about moral an ethic.
Knights had a military rank, Samurais did not.
Number of laws signed
2017- 29
2009- 14
2001- 7
1000- 22
Total no of page
2017- 133
2009- 1602
2001- 8
1000- 62
Total no of words
2017- 79003
2009- 1122603
2001- 3295
1000- 34018
The United States and the Soviet Union gained most from World War II.
The war strengthened the position of the United States, that began in World War One. A growing international monetary system was formed by the 1944 Bretton Woods accord. It substituted the gold standard as the global currency, with the U.S. dollar. Because it became the only nation with the ability to print dollars, it constructed an image of superpower. The Soviet Union on the other hand took lead at the Eastern front. It made communism popular in the eastern European countries which were freshly liberated from German rule. therefore the two become the most economically prosperous countries after the Second World War.
1. We are giving rights by the government that allow us to do many things (with some obvious exceptions).
2. We are not required to do outrageous things like put children in an arena or make people pay very high taxes and "tributes".
3.The government cares for the welfare of the people.