King George asked for troops to be sent to the New England colonies to maintain order after the colonists response to the Townshend Act, which taxed colonists on items and took away some of their freedoms. The Townshend Act taxed items such as tea and paper and let the British officials the authority to search the colonists' houses whenever they pleased. Obviously, the colonists did not like this and started to rebel and cause a scene, and when King George found out about this he sent troops to Boston in hopes of keeping the order and putting the colonists in line.
whats the question supposed to be?
Answer: D) Companies replaced hand-operated brakes with air brakes on trains.
D. He was the first native-born governor of Texas.
James Stephen "Big Jim" Hogg was an American lawyer and statesman, and the 20th Governor of Texas. He was born near Rusk, Texas. Hogg was a follower of the conservative New South Creed which became popular following the U.S. Civil War, and was also associated with populism.
1890, Hogg became the state's first native- born governor. Six-foot-two and nearly three hundred pounds,
He also championed progressive reforms in Texas in a famous speech at Waco on April 19, 1900.
He created the Texas Railroad Commission.
He sought to enforce laws providing that railroads and land corporations sell their holdings to settlers within certain time limit.
Young African-Americans played a big role in the history of the Civil Rights Movement. One incident was in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963. Led by Martin Luther King, Jr., the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) came to desegregate Birmingham in 1963. After an initial surge of activity involving numerous protests and arrests, the movement stalled. The SCLC leadership decided that the best way to regain the momentum was to involve young people. This strategy would be less disruptive to Black families, since parents could continue working while young Blacks served the necessary jail time. High school, junior high and even elementary school students were recruited to march out of school and be arrested.