We don't have the excerpt, so we cannot really answer your question.
I can help you a bit, however, so if you've read the story, you will know how to answer it yourself.
A flat character is the one who doesn't change at all over the course of a novel, whereas a round character develops and changes his or her characteristics.
A protagonist is the hero of a novel, whereas an antagonist is his "enemy."
An example of a level one question is :Who was the race between?
Salaried employee receives a fixed amount of money ,regardless of specific hours they work.
The similarities of writing and reading is that they both are recursive processes . Writing you have to put alot of depth and thought into making your sentences and paragraphs, you roam with ideas to make your story. While in reading your trying to comprehend what the writer has given to you and fully understand its story .
You are supposed to put titles in italics