They had a surplus of food, they divided labor and built cities.
After the development of the irrigation systems, they could grow more wheat and that meant more food for the growth of the population.
They divided labor between themselves. Who will harvest crops, who will tend to the irrigation systems, who will tend to fields. They had a lot of other workers such as carpenters or soldiers and that means that they knew how to divide labor between the population.
They started to build cities so they could work together, trade, store food, and the cities grew as more and more people came to live there.
Made Great Britain have more territories and then became poor because of war expenses.
The maquiladoras industry is a manufacturing operation where factories import material and export the made goods.
The War of 1812 was an armed conflict between the United States and the British Empire. ... Since Canada was a British colony back then, Canadians were also British allies. The Americans objected to the British Empire restricting their trade and snatching their sailors to serve on British ships.