Pneumothorax = Negative, Possible Lung Laceration
If the sucking sound is coming then it means that the lung is totally punctured and it like a major hull breach for the lung. The sucking sound has confirmed that the there is no pneumothorax possible.
The negative pressure gradient of lung is neutralized due to the laceration and the sucking sound can be heard due to the lung tendency toward inner flow and natural gradient maintenance. The hear beat is pumped to 108 to consume as much as possible amount of oxygen from one working lung to maintain the body's oxygen levels. These types of cases require immediate medical attention.
Sector phased transducer can optimize visualization of the liver in an obese patient whose liver cannot be visualized with a curved transducer.
Transducer is a device that converts one form of energy into another. Any form of energy is generally converted into electronic form. In the medical field, transducers are used for producing ultrasonic images. The various applications in medical field can be: measuring body temperature, checking the flow of blood, glucose amount in the body, etc.
Liver is the largest gland of the body and also a part of the digestive system. It is responsible for secretion of bile juice to aid in the process of digestion. Bile is important for the breakdown of fats.
To know more about transducers, here
The digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth and ends in the small intestine.
The absorption of carbohydrates, depending on whether they are simple or complex, will begin their digestion in the mouth by the action of saliva in food, where starches are initially separated; Once this food bolus reaches the stomach, the hydrochloric acid acts, to end later in the small intestine. Amylase, a component of pancreatic juice, ends the digestive process of carbohydrates by transforming starches into maltose, which are then transformed into monisacarides (glucose, galactose, fructose), which is the way they are absorbed by the body. In the liver they are again transformed into glucose.
The skin over your belly is cleaned. An incision is made in your belly. The tissue, blood vessels, and organs in your belly are carefully looked at and checked for problems. Tissue samples (biopsy) may be removed and sent to a lab for study.