HN Bycatch is a serious issue that affects the health of aquatic ecosystems, causes the decline of populations of marine species, and impacts the commercial fishing industry. Explain each of these impacts and suggest a solution that would reduce the losses caused by bycatch. Use details to support your answer.
Why can bycatch be a problem? Unwanted catch is an issue both ecologically and economically. Animals that are discarded often die and cannot reproduce, impacting marine ecosystems. Bycatch can slow the rebuilding of overfished stocks, and place protected species such as whales and sea turtles at further risk.
Answer: The European nations did not agree with Point 1-5 because they disagreed on freedom of the seas as well as war reparations. The Europeans thought that Points 1-5 did not serve the ends of the other allies such as France and Britain. Europeans thought that they could gain more from war victory than what President Wilson's plan allowed. He also failed to realize victorious European nations wanted to punish Germany above all else. They were imperialists and refused to give up colonies and wanted to take Germany's colonies.