To protect the important information inside the computer is to ensure that the computer has an active antivirus and firewall.
Second, another important procedure is not to get into different foreign sites which I can get viruses or malware that are capable of corrupting the computer and injecting programs that would cause problems with the applications and documents.
A drop in the number and productivity of workers :/
A- she should tell her that she is not fat and if she loses to much weight serious medical problems can come out of it just always be there for her.
B- you should tell her and her boyfriend that you feel like this is not gonna work that you feel like you are gonna get caught and end up in trouble just be honest.
C-when he is talking to Craig don’t be harsh because he might have forgot about it just tell he how you feel and hope he gives it back.
Cheer shouldn't be band because it's something people take a lot of pride in and work for. Cheerleading is a sport because it challenges someone physically and mentally. Not every can do a cartwheel, back-handspring, tuck layout.