Doing exercises is a logical scenario where you defend your health.
It is proven that practicing exercise regularly contributes to maintaining good health and preventing diseases.
It is important to do exercises because it has biological and psychological benefits.
Among the bilogical benefits we have:
1) Improves physical shape and endurance
2) Regulates blood pressure figures.
3) Increase or maintain bone density.
4) Improves insulin resistance.
5) It helps maintain body weight.
6) Increase muscle tone and strength.
Among the psychological benefits we have:
1) Increase self-esteem
2) Improve the self-image
3) Reduce social isolation
4) Reduce tension and stress
5) Reduce the level of depression.
6) Help relax.
Some types of fish and shellfish contain healthy omega oils that will help the development of the fetus's nervous system. However, some contain toxins and possibly viruses (oysters, for example) and must be avoided during pregnancy.
Arrange in two layers, called the phospholipid bilayer. Phospholipid molecule has a head, and two tails. The head is hydrophilic (it likes water) and the tails are hydrophobic (phobic meaning it has a phobia of water, or in simple words, hates water).