I believe this is Endometriosis because endometrial tissue building up is what causes this.
False. Jaundice is a condition in which the skin and whites of eyes and mucus membranes turn yellow due to high levels of bilirubin.
Using positive actions while communicating with others can affect you drastically, if you are a naturally positive person, then being a positive peer will cause less conflict. If you are continuously being rude or negative on purpose, it can cause conflict and violence, which is not good for your mental health. Higher stress levels also cause a number of health-related illnesses
That statement is false
Bronfenbrenner believed that the children would be influenced by all the things that exist in the children's environment. Intermediate family and school only small parts of the environment. T
hings such as the television shows that the children watch, the children's interaction with friends, the place where the children play, etc also heavily influenced children's development,.
They’re worst for you because your body starts to break it down like real sugar and some shyt happens but i forgot what because i did that last year