Fola Coal company is an US based company dealing with coal mining.
Its parent company is Consol Energy. Fola Coal company has permits for discharging the water into the stream and it discharges water to the stream after treating it and making them pollutant free so that it does not pollute the nearby streams and water bodies.
But Fola started violating the pollution laws and started discharging polluted water to the water bodies.
The United States Envirronmental Protection Agengy, shortly known as EPA and the private citizens of the nearby place where the coal mining is located can file a case of violation in the Federal Court against Fola Coal Company for violating the environmental laws and discharging contaminated water which contains ions and sulphates into the streams
the conscription act of 1862 after the start of the civil war was instituted by the congress on March 3rd 1863 and it was passed into law in order to provide manpower for the union army during the start of the American civil war. Governor Sam Houston served as the president of the republic of Texas before Texas was drafted into the united states of America. he was a soldier and a politician who later became the Governor of Tennessee