face book is an interactive website, because you can interact with the content such as give a like or comment.
Someone can make a histogram instead of a bar chart if distributions of variables are need to be represented and if data is quantitative.
Histograms are drawn to represent distributions of variables whereas bar charts are used to compare various variables. Histograms plot quantitative data whereas bar charts plot categorical data.
So, someone can make a histogram instead of a bar chart if distributions of variables are needed to be represented and if data is quantitative.
"sudo" is the command to get super user or root privileges in linux.
in order to install package with root privilege in linux, the command would be
sudo apt-get install <package name>
public class TextMessage
private String message;
private String sender;
private String receiver;
public TextMessage(String from, String to, String theMessage)
sender = from;
receiver = to;
message = theMessage;
public String toString()
return sender + " texted " + receiver + ": " + message;
// program in C++.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// variable
int num;
cout<<"Enter the number between 20 and 98: ";
// read number
cin >> num;
cout<<"Wrong input!!enter number between 20-98 only:";
cout<<"The output is: ";
while(num % 10 != num /10)
// print numbers.
cout<<num<<" ";
// update num.
// display the number.
return 0;
Read a number from user and assign it to variable "num".Check if entered number is in between 20-98 or not.If input number is less than 20 or greater than 98 then ask again to enter a number between 20-98 until user enter a valid input.Then print the countdown from input number till both the digit of number are same.
Enter the number between 20 and 98: 99
Wrong input!!enter number between 20-98 only:12
Wrong input!!enter number between 20-98 only:93
The output is: 93 92 91 90 89 88
Enter the number between 20 and 98: 77
The output is: 77