The answer is b,They are waiting to hear which one of them Penelope will marry.
Ethos is a mode of persuasion used to convince the audience. It is one of three artistic proofs (ethos, pathos, and logos).
Ethos is also known as ethical appeal and convinces your audience of credibility and character. It is used to prove you are worth listening to. Ethos can be developed by choosing language that is appropriate for the audience and topic (this also means choosing the proper level of vocabulary), making yourself sound fair or unbiased, introducing your expertise, accomplishments or pedigree, and by using correct grammar and syntax.
These values, as shown through the epic poem Beowulf, defined what a great thane must do to live the Heroic Code, and secure his place in society. Some of the most important of these values include bravery, truth, honor, loyalty and duty, hospitality and perseverance.
Characters: Grendel