There were no options listed??
Hypothalamic damage can lead to: loss of autonomic control of body temp., blood pressure, loss of hunger and thirst drives, pituitary hormone deficiencies.
Ask this in the physics area next time please, but turn to someone you trust or if your young an adult, like your parents or your teachers. Maybe even your friends. No matter what age tell someone and if they don't know then get medical help if they can't.
I read this one article and it says that death rates are lowest among those aged 5-9
so B?
What do they ask? (collaboration) They ask for collaboration. What do students want? (go skiing) Who does not follow the game well? (my sister and I) What does the teacher repeat? (the explanation) Who says there is no excursion to the mountain? (us) Where do you get the art magazines? (the museum) Rewrite the sentences changing the subjects from singular to plural or vice versa. Follow the model, and remember to use correct capitalization and punctuation. Model He says what he thinks. They say what they think. I can not sleep. They always ask permission to leave. My friend never follows the instructions. You repeat the history test. We say that there is no problem.