History has changed Alito from when the Adams lived there
The Great Wall is a fortificated East-to-West line which historically has delimited the Chinese Northern border. Its primary purpouse was to defend the Chinese territory against the invasions and quick raids organized by the nomadic people from the Eurasian Steppe lands, located more to the North.
But rather than as a fixed border, it should be regarded as a transition zone which establishes a distinction between two different lifestyles, even nowadays: the farmer regions in the South with sedentary ways of life and the pasture lands in the North, where its inhabitants have nomadic lifestyles and work mainly in animal husbandry activities.
She unsuccessfully tried to persuade President Woodrow Wilson
The answer really depends on whether the farmer is also the landlord or only a worker in the fields, and bearing in mind that the question refers only to Chavez’ reforms, not what is now called Chavismo, that is to say, the rule of President Maduro.
If the first, then there are chances that the landlord would feel threatened about the fact this his land could be —although not necessarily— appropriated by the State, but also, he might feel relieved to learn that his land could be more productive since there would be a lot more subsidies for farming since the oil revenues of the country would again be in the hands of the State.
If it is the second possibility, the farmer most likely would feel relieved altogether since subsidies to labor power and farming would mean greater income and better living conditions for him and his family.