Simple interest, specifically in bank offers a grace period of six days, which gives time to payback. When saving money or investing, if the interest rate is high then the customer benefits. The disadvantages in simple interest are that if the interest rate is high then the borrower will pay more.
I believe the answer is b
Add: 364
a. 9:00 AM is the 60 minute mark:
b. 8:15 and 8:30 AM are the 15 and 30 minute marks, respectively. The probability of arriving at some point between them is
c. The probability of arriving on any given day before 8:40 AM (the 40 minute mark) is
The probability of doing so for at least 2 of 5 days is
i.e. you're virtually guaranteed to arrive within the first 40 minutes at least twice.
d. Integrate the PDF to obtain the CDF:
Then the desired probability is