You can compare fractions by using the benchmark fraction of 1/2. To use this in order to make comparisons, you will need to look carefully at what the numerator and The denominators are in a fraction. If the top number, the numerator is less than half of the denominator, then the fraction would be less then the benchmark 1/2. If the numerator is more than half of the denominator then the fraction would be more than the benchmark 1/2. For example, 3/4 is more than 1/2 because the numerator of three is more than half of the denominator 4.
First: 15
Second: 21
Third: 45
Step-by-step explanation:
In order to create the equation we need to represent the evenings with an alebraic term, in thsi case we are going to represent the second evening with an X
Second evening:x
The first night she got 6 fewer calls than the second: Second-6=x-6
The third night she received 3 times the first: 3(first night)=3(x-6)
The equation is First Night plus second night plus third night equals 81.

So the first evening he received 15 calls, the second he received 21 and the third one he received 45.

Step-by-step explanation:

Picture?? This question is incomplete just get a picture then I can answer it
9514 1404 393
47 -6√10
Step-by-step explanation:
As you know, the area of a square is the square of the side length. It can be helpful here to make use of the form for the square of a binomial.
(a -b)² = a² - 2ab + b²
(√2 -3√5)² = (√2)² - 2(√2)(3√5) + (3√5)²
= 2 - 6√10 + 3²(5)
= 47 -6√10
√2-3√5 ≈ -5.29399 . . . . . . . . note that a negative value for side length makes no sense, so this isn't about geometry, it's about binomials and radicals
(√2-3√5)² ≈ 28.02633
47 -6√10 ≈ 28.02633