Th correct answer would be D! Hope this helps
Answer:the word is not marma ok it karma ok
Explanation:I must saturate myself with repose and with the underlying—with Karma.
Karma is the Law of the Universe, the expression of divine Will.
And what have ye done to Karma, that he is so wet and silent?
How can one substitute here a sameness of Karma for identity of soul?
I soon discovered that, no matter how the wheel is turned, the Karma or merit is equal.
Equally unsatisfying is the statement that phenomena are aggregates of Karma.
If Migaloo is albino he mostlyly lives with snow and a lot of white in his souroundings. Since he is white and everything eles is white he can blend into he souroundings to hide from anything trying to attack/eat him.
This question lacks options, the options are:
A. Only recessive alleles are inherited from homozygous parents.
B. Dominant alleles grow weaker as they are passed from parents to offspring.
C. Only the parent with a dominant allele can pass that allele to offspring in sexual reproduction.
D. A heterozygous parent has an equal chance of passing either the dominant allele or the recessive allele to offspring.
The answer is D
This question involves a single gene coding for hair length in dogs. The allele for short hair (S) is dominant over the allele for long hair (s). This means that allele 'S' will always mask the phenotypic expression of allele 's' in a heterozygous state.
According to the question, two heterozygous dogs (Ss) were crossed to produce 6 shortt-haired offsprings and 2 long-haired offsprings. An heterozygous organism is that which contains two different alleles for a particular gene i.e. a combination of dominant and recessive alleles.
Based on this, during meiosis or gamete formation, an heterozygous dog (Ss) will produce gametes with the short hair allele (S) and long hair allele (s) in equal proportion i.e. 50-50. When the two gametes containing the recessive alleles (s) produced by each heterozygous parent fuses, an offspring with a recessive phenotype (long hair, ss) is produced.
Hence, a long-hair
phenotype can appear in the offspring of two short-haired dogs because a heterozygous parent has equal chance of passing either the dominant or recessive allele to the offspring.
The H+ ions moves outside.
The H+ ions moves outside the mitochondria of the cell if the concentration of H ions were higher inside the mitochondrion than outside environment of the mitochondrion in order to equalize the pH or H+ ions concentration of both inner side of mitochondria and outer side environment. This movement of H+ ions from a region of higher concentration to the region of lower through a semi-permeable membrane is known as osmosis which has a positive effect on the cell as well as organelles of the cell.