Un terremoto con la misma magnitud y profundidad podría causar daños drásticamente diferentes dependiendo de la vulnerabilidad de la exposición. Por ejemplo, un terremoto M6 en California o Japón podría causar muy poco daño debido a las estrictas disposiciones sísmicas de los códigos de construcción. Mientras se encuentre en un país del tercer mundo, el daño podría ser catastrófico y se podrían perder millones de vidas.
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Diploid and polypeptide cells whose chromosomes have the same allele at a given locus are called homologous with respect to that locus, while those that have different alleles at a given locus are called heterogeneous. The ordered list of loci known for a particular genome is called a gene map.
Maybe goggles to protect her eyes, tie her hair back so it doesn't accidentally catch on fire! and a lab coat if provided, to protect her skin.
The bony labyrinth is a region of dense bone that surrounds and protects the membranous labyrinth.
Labyrinth is the name given to the inner ear. It is made up of a network of interconnecting sacs and canals. The inner ear is composed of two parts: bony labyrinth and membranous labyrinth. A vestibule, three semicircular canals, and a spirally wound cochlea make up the bony labyrinth. It is perilymph-filled.
The membranous labyrinth is encircled by the bony labyrinth. It includes the hearing and balance sensory receptors. The cochlear duct, saccule, and utricle and three semicircular ducts that make up the endolymph-filled membranous labyrinth. The cristae, an organ of corti, and the ampullaris maculae are examples of sensory receptors.
To learn more about inner ear, membranous labyrinth and bony labyrinth here,
The biopsychosocial model reflects the development of illness through the complex interaction of biological factors (genetic, biochemical, etc.), psychological factors (mood, personality, behavior, etc.) and social factors (cultural, familial, socioeconomic, medical, etc.).