Answer: Double blind clinical trial
The situation that is seen here is double blind clinical trail in which neither the participant nor the practitioner knows who is receiving the treatment.
This is used to prevent biasing in the experiment which is caused due to demand characteristics or placebo effect.
Here, in this situation the dog handlers and the experimental observer both were blinded to identify the breath sample.
<span><span>The answer is C. Urethra.
The urethra is connected to both the urinary and reproductive system in males. It is a tube that transport urine and semen (with sperm) outside the body. The opening of the urethra is found on tip of the sexual organ. The urethra connects to the seminal vesicles of the reproductive system. It connects to the bladder of the urinary system. </span></span>
Question 4: true!
question 5: i would say lifting weights is the correct answer.
Personally I find going to the gym being most helpful to stop myself from binge eating. Any activity that keeps you active can help you from just sitting around while snacking on foods.
However, do have your basic three meals a day as you should be doing. This is required for your basic health.