The two party system is possibly hurting America because of the limit on choice. When there are only two parties the American people are almost forced to decide between them. Some Americans feel that neither party full represent their values or principles. This leaves alienated voters and not true representation of our countries values. In our Constitutional Republic, true representation matters and without it I believe it is hurting America.
Yes it is right I do not agree
A. Voters who were college graduates were more likely to support Clinton than Trump.
E. High income voters making over 100k were divided in their support for Clinton and Trump.
In general, all forms of evidence have class or individual characteristics. Class characteristics are not unique to a particular object but place the particular bit of evidence into a group of objects. Individual characteristics narrow down the evidence to a single, individual source.
In general, all forms of evidence have class or individual characteristics. Class characteristics are not unique to a particular object but place the particular bit of evidence into a group of objects. Individual characteristics narrow down the evidence to a single, individual source.The type of handgun with which a victim is shot is a class characteristic. For example, if the bullet came from a .38 caliber handgun, every .38 caliber handgun on the planet is the possible murder weapon. However, finding a suspect’s fingerprint (an individual characteristic) on a .38 caliber handgun suggests that this .38, to the exclusion of all others, was the murder weapon. This is particularly true if the killing bullet can also be matched to this particular .38.
In general, all forms of evidence have class or individual characteristics. Class characteristics are not unique to a particular object but place the particular bit of evidence into a group of objects. Individual characteristics narrow down the evidence to a single, individual source.The type of handgun with which a victim is shot is a class characteristic. For example, if the bullet came from a .38 caliber handgun, every .38 caliber handgun on the planet is the possible murder weapon. However, finding a suspect’s fingerprint (an individual characteristic) on a .38 caliber handgun suggests that this .38, to the exclusion of all others, was the murder weapon. This is particularly true if the killing bullet can also be matched to this particular .38.Alternatively, blood recovered from a crime scene that tests show is type B (a class characteristic) could have come from any of the tens of millions of people who share this blood type. If the suspect has type B blood, he remains a suspect. From there, DNA (an individual characteristic) from the suspect and DNA from the blood evidence are tested to determine conclusively whether they match. If, however, the suspect’s blood is type A, he then is excluded as the source of the blood
1.Prepare most of your meals at home using whole or minimally processed foods.
2.Make an eating plan each week – this is the key to fast, easy meal preparation.
3.Choose recipes with plenty of vegetables and fruit.
4.Avoid sugary drinks and instead drink water.
5.Eat smaller meals more often.