These would be the elements in row 2 the alkaline metals. Elements in a row usually share many qualities such as electon reactivity as well as similar characteristics like the fact that many alkaline metals are considered Cations, ions with positive charges. Some examples are beryllium and calcium.
-involves their factors and
-Quantitative Reasoning: the
ability to solve numerical problems
-Visual-Spatial Processing: the
ability to analyze visually presented information, including relationships
between objects, spatial orientation, assembling pieces to make a whole, and
detecting visual patterns
-working memory: the ability to
hold and transform information in short-term memory
-each of these 10 areas is
assessed by one to three specific types of items .
Answer:C. It carries cold water from the equator to the poles.
D. It wears away rock and soil.
E. It reflects sunlight that hits the oceans.
(hope this helps)
Yes the answer is true it is the start of the digestion process.+