4. B cells become activated by interacting with helper T cells.
1. B cells display antigens in MHC class II receptors on the cell surface.
2. Antibodies released by plasma cells bind to the antigen so they will be destroyed by other cells of the immune system.
3.B cells rearrange their DNA to create a unique B-cell receptor.
5. B cells undergo clonal expansion.
6. B cells digest antigens that bind to the antibodies on their surface.
B-cells get activated by interacting with helper T cells when they bind to the antigen to receptors i.e (MHC class II receptors on the cell surface) on the surface of the cell. Series of activities such as release by plasma cells which cause rearrangement of B cells causes the cell to divide and proliferate. The process through which daughter cells arise from a parent cell called clonal expansion.
The answer to your question should be a and c hope this helps
The endosymbiotic theory
Protists are the multicellular organisms which possess characteristics of both the prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
The protist can derive nutrition by either heterotrophic mode or photoautotrophic mode. This variation could exist within the same genus and same species.
This variation could be explained with the endosymbiotic origin of the organisms as some species could engulf the photosynthetic bacteria whereas some could have engulfed the chemosynthetic bacteria.
This can be observed in the green and red algae which depend on a different mode of nutrition belonging to the same group.
Thus, the endosymbiotic theory is correct.
If Lorenzo would quit smoking,reduce his intake of alcohol and improve his healthy eating behaviors and also increasing his physical activity it would mean his lifestyle changes would then increase telomerase activity. Increase telomerase is one way of the body to deal with stress and for the protection of DNA from destruction.