Institutional Corrections
According to my research, Jack's sentence is for Institutional Corrections. Institutional Corrections is the incarceration of adults or juveniles that are convicted of a crime, as well as the detainment of someone that is waiting trial. This is what happened to Jack after being arrested for driving under the influence.
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1.John B. Gordon
Gordon rose to fame in the Confederate Army due to his fearless fighting style and made his mark as a military strategist. Gordon fought in several important battles and rose to the rank of major general at the end of the war. After the war, Gordon returned to Georgia where he was an outspoken opponent of Reconstruction and is thought to have been the leader of the Georgia chapter of the KKK. Gordon was elected as a U.S. Senator in 1872 and served in this position until 1880. Gordon was popular among white Georgians and was elected governor in 1886 and back to the U.S. Senate in 1891, serving until 1897. Gordon spent the rest of his life writing and speaking about the Civil War, and, it has been said, embellishing his role in it.
2. Lugenia 1871-1947) was John Hope's wife and a community organizer, reformer, and social activist. Lugenia Burns Hope established the Neighborhood Union, which fought for better conditions in African-American schools and developed health education campaigns in Atlanta. In addition to her leadership role in the Neighborhood Union, she worked with the YWCA. In 1932 became the first vice-president of the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP.
3. Alonzo Herndon - (1858-1927) His life is a true "rags to riches story." Herndon was born to a slave mother and white father in Social Circle, Georgia. Learned and practiced the trade of barbering. In Atlanta he opened his own barbershops. The most famous of his barbershops was the "Crystal Palace". He began investing in real estate and eventually owned over 100 rental properties. In 1905 he founded Atlanta Mutual Life Insurance Company which is still today one of the largest African American owned financial institutions.
The passage presents the phrase "conquer the land" to mean to make it productive and profitable.
<h3>What does the passage say?</h3>
The speaker in the passage talks about having to conquer the Great plains by making it more suitable for agriculture through new methods of farming.
This means that the plan is to make the land profitable and productive in terms of agriculture.
Find out more on the Great Plains at
Class system is the distribution of scarce resources and rewards that is determined on the basis of achieved status.
Budaya Indonesia telah dibentuk oleh interaksi panjang antara kebiasaan pribumi asli dan beberapa pengaruh asing. Indonesia terletak di pusat-terletak di sepanjang rute perdagangan kuno antara Timur Jauh, Asia Selatan dan Timur Tengah, sehingga praktek-praktek budaya banyak yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh banyak agama, termasuk Hindu, Buddha, Konghucu, Islam dan Kristen, semua yang kuat di kota perdagangan utama. Hasilnya adalah campuran budaya kompleks yang sangat berbeda dari budaya cultures.The adat asli Indonesia telah dibentuk oleh interaksi panjang antara kebiasaan pribumi asli dan beberapa pengaruh asing. Indonesia terletak di pusat-terletak di sepanjang rute perdagangan kuno antara Timur Jauh, Asia Selatan dan Timur Tengah, sehingga praktek-praktek budaya banyak yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh banyak agama, termasuk Hindu, Buddha, Konghucu, Islam dan Kristen, semua yang kuat di kota perdagangan utama. Hasilnya adalah campuran budaya kompleks yang sangat berbeda dari budaya asli asli. Contoh fusi budaya termasuk fusi Islam dengan Hindu di Jawa Abangan keyakinan, fusi Hindu, Buddha dan animisme di Bodha, dan fusi Hindu dan animisme di Kaharingan; yang lain bisa diambil. tarian Bali memiliki cerita tentang kerajaan Budha dan Hindu kuno, sedangkan bentuk seni dan arsitektur Islam yang hadir di Sumatera, terutama di daerah Minangkabau dan Aceh. kesenian tradisional, musik dan olahraga digabungkan dalam bentuk seni bela diri yang disebut Pencak Silat.<span>
budaya barat telah sangat mempengaruhi Indonesia dalam ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan hiburan modern seperti acara televisi, film dan musik, serta sistem politik dan isu-isu. India telah terutama dipengaruhi lagu dan film Indonesia. Jenis populer dari lagu adalah dangdut India ritmis, yang sering dicampur dengan musik rakyat Arab dan Melayu.
Meskipun pengaruh budaya asing, beberapa daerah terpencil Indonesia masih melestarikan budaya unik adat. kelompok etnis pribumi Mentawai, Asmat, Dani, Dayak, Toraja dan banyak orang lain yang masih berlatih ritual etnis, adat istiadat dan mengenakan pakaian tradisional.</span>